Thursday, July 7, 2016

" Myeongyi Jang A Jji "(Pickled Wild Garlic / 명이장아찌 / 醃渍熊葱

In Korean, "Myeongyi /명이" is Allium ursinum – known as ramsonsbuckramswild garlicbroad-leaved garlicwood garlicbear leek or bear's garlic – is a wild relative of chives native toEurope and Asia. The Latin name is due to the brown bear's taste for the bulbs and its habit of digging up the ground to get at them; they are also a favourite of wild boar. In Europe, where ramsons are popularly harvested from the wild, similarity to poisonous plants such as lillies of the valley or Colchicum autumnaleregularly leads to cases of poisoning.
Allium ursinum is a bulbous, perennial herbaceous monocot, that reproduces primarily by seed. The narrow bulbs are formed from a single leaf base and produce bright green entire, elliptical leaves up to 25 cm long x 7 cm wide with a petiole up to 20 cm long
The leaves of A. ursinum are edible; they can be used as salad, herb, boiled as a vegetable, in soup, or as an ingredient for a sauce that may be a substitute for pesto in lieu of basil. The stems are preserved by salting and eaten as a salad in Russia. A variety of Cornish Yarg cheese has a rind coated in wild garlic leaves. The bulbs and flowers are also edible. It is used for preparing herb cheese..
The leaves are also used as fodder. 
The leaves of A. ursinum are easily mistaken for lily of the valley, sometimes also those of Colchicum autumnale and Arum maculatum. All three are poisonous. Grinding the leaves between the fingers and checking for a garlic-like smell can be helpful, but if the smell remains on the hands, one can easily mistake a subsequent poisonous plant for bear garlic. When the leaves of Allium ursinum andArum maculatum first sprout they look similar, but unfolded Arum maculatum leaves have irregular edges and many deep veins while ramsons leaves are convex with a single main vein. The leaves of lily of the valley are paired, dull green and come from a single reddish purple stem, while the leaves of A. ursinum emerge individually and are bright green.
熊葱學名Allium ursinum),又名野韭菜熊果大蒜熊蒜(bear's garlic)、野蒜菜林地蒜,是一种野生的草本植物,為野生韭黄的近緣种,味道如同食用韭菜,但是氣味並不强烈。多生长于林地树荫,春季刚发出的第一至第五叶味道鲜嫩,适于食用,开花后口感下降。
(source : wikipedia)

                                Fresh  Wild garlic leaves~~

Season it with the sauce and marinate for at least two weeks, the longer the better~~

 Wild garlic leaves 

Sauce :
Sugar, vinegar, Korean soy  sauce ; the ratio is l : l : l (use the measuring cup )

Method :
1. Wash and drain the green leaves

2. Pour all the sauces in a container and stir well, make sure that the sugar is melt.

3. Add in the leaves, make sure that the sauce is enough to cover the surface of the leaves。.

4. Close the lid. 

5. Marinate it for at least two weeks, the longer the better, the taste will be more better.


白糖,醋,韩式酱清 ; 比例是  1 : 1 : 1 ( 以量杯为基准)

方法 : 
1. 将熊葱叶洗净,濾干水分。

2. 将所有的叶子倒入一容器内, 须确保白糖已溶解。

3. 加入叶子, 须确保它足以盖过青椒的表面。

4. 盖上盖子。

5. 醃渍至少 14 天, 越久越入味。

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