Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Pungcheon Eel /丰川鳗鱼 / 풍천장어

Dear friends, yesterday was "Malbok/말복" . Do you know what is called " Sambok/삼복" ? These are Chobok (초복), Jungbok(중복) and Malbok(말복). These are three distinct days of the lunar calendar, are commonly among the hottest summer and most sultry days in Korea.
Korean will take Samgyetang on this day, we do take eel, croaker fish ,etc too.
My husband went to Gochang and bought the eels from there, therefore, we took grilled eels instead of samgyetang on Malbok.
Gochang is located in Jeolla Province, is the town with most dolmen sites in Korea. Seonunsa or Seonun Temple, Gochangeupseong Fortress are famous too.

What is Puncheon Eel  ? 
The Incheon River area where sea water of the Seonun Mountain mouth meets fresh water is called Pungcheon. Grass eels swim to the upstream fresh water and grow there for more than 7 – 9 years. They stay in the water where sea water meets fresh water before returning to the deep Pacific Ocean for laying eggs. The eels caught during the period are called Pungcheon Eel
.As a specialty of Gochang, it is sweet and tasty and it brings down cholesterol level along with mountain berry wine. It is rich in vitamin E, effective in preventing sclerosis of the arteries, cancer and aging and recovering fatigue. ( source : Gochang County homepage)
亲爱的朋友们们, 昨天是 “ "Malbok/말복/ .末伏”。 您可知道,什么事 “三伏” 吗 ?三伏农历中夏季长达30天或40天的一个时段,是初伏、中伏、末伏的统称。三伏开始日大约在公历的7月10至20日之间,结束日大约在8月8至18日之间,是北半球每年炎热天气中的一段。一中初伏、末伏各10天,中伏在不同的年份为10或20天。(资料来源:维基百科)
韩国人喜欢在三伏享用人参鸡汤, 鳗鱼,鳘鱼等也是首选。
我先生到高敞/GochangGochang 买了鳗鱼, 所以我们在末伏就烧烤鳗鱼而不享用人参鸡汤。

什么是丰川鳗鱼 ?

Grilled the eels~~is very simple, sprinkle some salts on the eels !
烧烤鳗鱼~~非常的简单,在鳗鱼上,撒些盐 !

Eat the eels together with the sliced ginger, you will have good appetite to enjoy it ~~

Dear friends, do you throw away the borne of eels ? I strongly recommend you to fry battered borne till golden brown, will be very crisp and delicious~~ Yesterday, we grilled the borne, the taste was not as delicious as we fried previously.
亲爱的朋友们, 您可曾吧鳗鱼的骨头扔掉 ? 我极力推荐您, 将鳗鱼骨头沾上面粉糊,炸至金黄色, 非常香脆可口 ~~昨天,我们烧烤骨头,其味道不如以前我们所炸的。

We grilled the spicy eels too ~~

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