Monday, December 12, 2016

"Shiraegi"(Dried Radish Leaves)/ /萝卜叶乾/시래기

Dear friends, did you throw away the radish leaves after making the kimchi or whenever you buy the radish ?
"Shiraegi"/시래기 are the Dried Radish Leaves in Korean. This is also one of the main ingredients for me when I prepare the bibimbab.
Last Sunday, my youngest daughter recommended me to have " Shiraegi Jong Sik"/"Shiraegi Set Meal at a restaurant in Bundang,고에 꽃시래.

                                             "Shiraegi rice"/萝卜叶乾饭~~

The"Shiraegi" of this restaurant are  from Yanggu city, located in northern Gangwon province~~
这餐馆的萝卜叶乾是产自 江源道德杨口~~

"Godeungeo-jorim"/Braised mackerel together with the "shiraegi", the taste was good ~
"Godeungeo-jorim" 采用萝卜叶乾炖青花鱼, 味道很好~~

"Shiraegi" are the dried radish leaves in Korean. Normally, we dry them under the sun after blanching them in the hot water. Are low in calories, high in fiber, contain vitamin A,C,B1 and B2.
“Shiraegi",在韩文是指萝卜叶乾。 通常是将萝卜叶轻轻的在热水中汆一下, 然后在阳光下晒干它。 低卡路里,高纤维,含有丰富的维他命A,C,B1和B2。

                      Perilla seeds & shiraegi soup/苏子叶种子和萝卜叶乾汤~~

                             At the entrance of the restaurant~~

                             ”Jeyuj bokkeum"/stir fried pork~~

"Dotorimuk"/acorn jelly; zucchini, carrot,"samchae"/allium hookeri~~

                              "Japchae" /凉拌通心面~~

                             Fried pan cake/煎饼~~

"당근정과"/Sugarized carrot, this was the first time I tasted this dish, was very impressed~~

                              "Omija tea"/五味子茶

                             Table setting/餐桌摆设~~

                      One of the corners of the restaurant/餐馆内的一角落~~

"Shiraegi" are the dried radish leaves in Korean. Normally, we dry them under the sun after blanching them in the hot water. Are low in calories, high in fiber, contain vitamin A,C,B1 and B2.
“Shiraegi",在韩文是指萝卜叶乾。 通常是将萝卜叶轻轻的在热水中汆一下, 然后在阳光下晒干它。 低卡路里,高纤维,含有丰富的维他命A,C,B1和B2。

                    One of the corners of the restaurant/餐馆内的一角落~~

                    One of the corners of the restaurant/餐馆内的一角落~~

                    One of the corners of the restaurant/餐馆内的一角落~~

                           One of the corners of the restaurant/餐馆内的一角落~~

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