Thursday, August 17, 2017

"Hwangtae Muchim"(Seasoned Alaska Pollock)/ 凉拌明太鱼/황태채 무침

Alaska Pollock is one of the Korean favourite fishes. In Korea,  we call the fresh Alaska Pollock as "Sheng-tae/생태";  dried Alaska Pollock is named as " Bo-geo/북어"; the fisherman dry the Alaska Pollock and  freeze   it in winter in the open air , repeat this process for a few times, then, we call it as "Kkodari / 코다리 "...

明太鱼是韩国人喜爱的鱼类之一,同是明太鱼,但以不同的手法去处理,则给予不同的名称。 新鲜的明太鱼,韩国人称牠为 “ 生太鱼/Sheng-tae/생태"; 被晒干的明太鱼则叫牠为 “ Bu-geo/ 북어"; 在冬天,渔夫将明太鱼晒干后,让牠在户外冰冻;多次重复这步骤,就成了 “ Kkodari / 코다리".

In Korea, myeongtae is called by thirty-odd names including:[28]
  • saengtae(생태) – fresh Alaska pollock
  • dongtae(동태) – frozen Alaska pollock
  • bugeo(북어) – dried Alaska pollock
  • hwangtae(황태) – "yellow Alaska pollock", made by drying Alaska pollocks during winter while undergoing freezing and unfreezing repeatedly
  • nogari(노가리) – young Alaska pollock
  • kodari(코다리) – "nosed Alaska pollock", made by degutting young Alaska polloks and half-drying four to five of them on a rope, with their "nose" tied

(source: wikipedia)
These are the "Hwangtae" available in the market.

I tore them into thin pieces.

Heat the fry pan without oil.

Fry the "hwangtae" for about 3-4 minutes.

Mix the sauce and the "hwangtae" together.
将"Hwangtae" 和辣酱拌均匀。

Sprinkle some more sesame seeds on top of it before you serve it.

"hwangtae" 90g
Korean red pepper paste 3Tsp
red pepper powder 1 Tsp
sugar 1/2 Tsp
minced garlic 1/2 Tsp
Chinese plum syrup or corn syrup  1 1/2Tsp
Korean soy sauce l tsp
minced ginger 1/2 Tsp
sesame oil 1 Tsp
roasted sesame seeds 1 Tsp
Korean white wine 1 Tsp

Method :
1. Tear the "Hwangtae" into thin pieces.
2. Heat the fry pan without oil.
3. Fry the "hwangtae" for about 3-4 minutes.
4. Put all the ingredients in a bowl, to mix it well for making the sauce.
5. Mix the sauce and the "hwangtae" together.
6. Sprinkle some more sesame seeds on top of it before you serve it.

"hwangtae" 90g
韩式辣酱 3 Tsp
辣椒粉 1 Tsp
白糖 1/2 Tsp
蒜蓉 1/2 Tsp
梅汁/麦芽糖  1 1/2 Tsp
韩式酱清 1 tsp
姜蓉 1/2 Tsp
麻油 1 Tsp
芝麻 1 Tsp
韩式烧酒 1 Tsp

1. 将"hwangtae" 撕成细片。
2. 烧热锅子,不加油。
3. 将它炒约3-4分钟。
4. 在一碗内, 放入所有的酱料,拌均匀。
5. 将鱼丝和酱料拌均匀,享用前,可再撒些芝麻。

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