Monday, August 26, 2019

"Kko Mak Bibimbin Bab"/血蚶拌饭/꼬막비빔밥

Dear friends, I believe that many of you like the Korean bibimbin bab,have you ever tasted the "Kko Mak Bibimbin Bab/Blood clam bibimbin bab"?
In Korean,  꼬막 " Kko Mak " is Blood Cockle or Blood Clam. The blood cockle is the main  variety raised in  , in Jeollanam Do Province전라남도. 

Tegillarca granosa (also known as Anadara granosa) is a species of ark clam known as the blood cockle or blood clam due to the red haemoglobin liquid inside the soft tissues. 

在韩文,꼬막 " Kko Mak "是 血蚶”(Blood cockle, blood clam)。位于韩国全罗南道的별교읍 (Beolgyo-eup , 邑)是盛产血蚶的地方。
泥蚶Tegillarca granosaAnadara granosa,又名“血蚶”(Blood cockle),英文俗称Ark shell
(source: wikipedia)


1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to spending time with family and friends and celebrating Happy Chuseok.
