Thursday, February 25, 2021

五谷饭/Rice with five grains / 오곡밥~~2021

 五谷饭/Rice with five grains / 오곡밥~~2021

On the Daeboreum (literally "Great Full Moon") is a Korean festival that celebrates the first full moon of the new year of the lunar Korean calendar.

Daeboreum (literally "Great Full Moon") is a Korean holiday that celebrates the first full moon of the new year of the lunar Korean calendar which is the Korean version of the First Full Moon Festival. This holiday is accompanied by many traditions. This year, it falls on the 25th Feb 2021

For breakfast on Daeboreum, Ogokbap (오곡밥 / 五穀밥), a five-"grain" rice consisting of rice, millet, Indian millet, beans, and red beans is served . This is eaten with various dried herbs. One of the special foods of Daeboreum is Yaksik (약식 / 藥食). This treat is made of glutinous rice, chestnuts, pine nuts, honey, sauce, and sesame oil. Also there is drinking for Daeboreum. It called 'Ear-quickening wine(귀밝이술)'. This alcohol means that if someone drank this alcohol, he or she would be quick to hear and hear good news for one year.

One familiar custom is to crack nuts with one's teeth. It is believed that this practice will help keep one's teeth healthy for the year.

In the countryside, people climb mountains, braving cold weather, trying to catch the first rise of the moon. It is said that the first person to see the moon rise will have good luck all year or a wish will be granted.

Historically, people played the traditional game named Jwibulnori (쥐불놀이) the night before Daeboreum. They burned the dry grass on ridges between rice fields while children whirled around cans full of holes, through which charcoal fire blazed. These cans fertilized the fields and got rid of harmful worms that destroyed the new crops.




정월 대보름(正月 大보름) 또는 대보름은 음력 1월 15일로, 오기일(烏忌日)이라고도 하며, 한자어로는 '상원(上元)'이라고 한다. '상원'은 도교적인 명칭으로, 삼원(상원, 중원, 하원) 중 첫 번째이다. 새해 들어 처음 맞이하는 보름날로서 농사의 시작일이라 하여 매우 큰 명절로 여겼다. 대보름 전날인 음력 14일과 당일에는 여러 곳에서 새해의 운수에 관한 여러 풍습들을 행한다.

대보름에 차려 먹는 절식으로는 부럼·귀밝이술 외에도 약밥·오곡밥·묵은 나물과 복쌈 등이 있다. 또 고사리·버섯·오이고지·호박고지·가지껍질·무시래기 등 햇볕에 말린 묵은 나물을 물에 잘 씻어서 먹으면 여름에 더위를 먹지 않고 건강하게 지낸다고 한다.

부럼 - 정월 보름날 새벽에는 부스럼이 생기지 말라는 의미에서 밤·잣·호두 등 단단한 견과류의 부럼을 먹는다. 이때 부럼(주로 밤의 껍질을 직접 깨물어 먹음.

오곡밥 - 쌀, 보리, 조, 수수, 팥 등의 다섯 가지 이상의 곡물을 섞어 지은 오곡밥을 먹음.

진채식 - 무, 오이, 호박, 박, 가지, 버섯, 고사리 등을 말려둔 것을 먹는다. 여러 집에서 아홉 가지 나물을 아홉 번, 또는 열 가지 나물을 먹기도 함.

약밥 - 물에 불린 찹쌀을 시루에 찐 뒤 꿀이나 설탕·참기름·대추 등을 쪄서 거른 것을 섞고, 다시 진간장·밤·대추·계피·곶감·잣 등을 넣어 시루에 찐 밥을 말함.

복쌈 - 밥을 김이나 취나무, 배추잎에 싸서 먹는다. 여러개를 만들어 그릇에 높이 쌓아서 성주님께 올린 다음 먹으면 복이 있다고 함.

귀밝이술 - 보름날 새벽에 데우지 않은 찬술을 남녀구별 없이 조금씩 마심.

솔떡 - 솔을 깔고 떡을 쪄서 나누어 먹음.

대보름날에는 세 집 이상 성이 다른 집 밥을 먹어야 그 해의 운이 좋다고 하였다. 그래서 하루 세번 먹는 밥을 이 날은 아홉 번 먹어야 좋다고 믿음.

( sources : wikipedia )

Friday, February 12, 2021

Tteok Guk/年糕汤/떡국

Normally, we use white rice cake to cook; now, we do have colorful rice cake ,we use carrot,pumpkin,mugwort ,etc as colouring~~ 


 Dear friends, what did you have for your breakfast on the first day of Lunar New Year ? In Korea, we have "Tteok Guk".

Normally, we use white rice cake to cook; now, we do have colorful rice cake ,we use carrot,pumpkin,mugwort ,etc as colouring~~ 

亲爱的朋友们,在农历新年的早晨,您是享用那一种美食作为早餐呢 ? 在韩国,我们在这一天早上,家家户户都会享用年糕汤,这年糕汤,在韩文是被称为 “ Tteok Guk ".


Tteokguk is a traditional Korean dish eaten during the celebration of the Korean New Year. The dish consists of the broth/soup (guk) with thinly sliced rice cakes (tteok - it can be called a kind of rice pasta). It is tradition to eat tteokguk on New Year's Day because it is believed to grant the consumer good luck for the year and gain a year of age. It is usually garnished with thin julienned cooked eggs, marinated meat.

The custom of having a bowl of tteokguk in the morning of New Year's Day to get a year older, and the custom of saying "How many bowls of tteokguk have you eaten?" to ask a person's age.

The broth is generally made by simmering the main protein (beef, chicken, pork, pheasant, seafood) in a ganjang seasoned stock. The stock is then strained to clarify the broth and long cylinder-shaped garaetteok are thin-sliced diagonally and boiled in the clear broth. Garnish is added before serving; the garnish may vary by region and personal taste, but usual staples are pan-fried julienned egg yolks and whites, gim and spring onions.

韩国人在农历新年年初一的早晨,举家大小一起享用年糕汤。 这年糕汤的主要材料是用被切成薄片的圆形年糕,韩国人称它为 "garaetteok"(是用米作为材料),再加上上汤。这上汤,可分为牛肉汤,鸡汤,煮汤,雉鸡汤,或海鲜汤. 同时也配上一些其他的佐料,如饺子,肉片,鸡蛋或紫菜等。

吃了年糕汤,就意味着长大了一岁。若有人问你 “ 吃了几碗年糕汤?”,也即表示是问您 “几岁了”。。。

(source : wikipedia)

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Happy & Prosperous New Year/新年快乐/새해 복 많이 받으세요~~

 Happy & Prosperous New Year for all the friends / readers.... 

恭祝大家 “新年快乐,万事如意” 
2021 새해에도 항상 건강하시고 행복하세요~~