Dear friends, tangerines are most commonly peeled and eaten out of hand. The fresh fruit is also used in salads, desserts and main dishes. Instead of this, have you ever tried to eat the tangerines chips ?
This year, I do received a box of organic tangerines from Jeju Island, as a gift from a friend. Made the tangerines chips. The taste is good and crispy~~
朋友们,一般上, 我们都会剥了柑皮, 吃其果肉;我们也用它来做沙拉,甜品等。除此之外, 您可曾尝过蜜柑片 ?
今年,又收到朋友送来的一箱济州岛有机蜜柑,做了蜜柑片。 味道很好,而且很脆~~