Monday, December 5, 2011

50,60 年代的泡菜保鲜盒/Kimchi Containers in 50's & 60's

这是已故家婆遗留下来的泡菜保鲜盒,50,60 年代的产品。新一代的韩国妇女已很少选用这类的保鲜盒,喜爱一些设计精美的玻璃或塑胶保鲜盒。我个人却喜爱它。。。
These are the kimchi containers that my mother in law left for me. They are the products in  1950,1960. The new generation of Korean housewives do not use this type of containers anymore, they like the new plastic or glass containers..... But I like it very much....

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