Monday, December 5, 2011


一提起韩国泡菜,大家必定是想起 “大白菜泡菜”。“大白菜泡菜”是韩国泡菜种类中最具代表性的泡菜,也是韩国人餐桌上不可缺少的基本菜肴。 秋季,是大白菜和白萝卜盛产的季节;是韩国制作泡菜的旺季,不但是韩国主妇忙着制作泡菜迎冬季,不少的慈善团体也集体制作泡菜,分派给那些独居老人或家境清寒的家庭。。。
每一年秋季制作泡菜的季节,动员全家大小,一起制作约 100 - 150颗粒的大白菜泡菜。。。
( This recipe is written in Chinese & English )

大白菜 2 颗

盐水 ( 粗盐 1 杯,水 10杯 )
粗盐  2/3 杯

白萝卜 约 1 kg ( 切成丝状)
青葱  400 g       ( 切成段状,约4cm长 )
梨 1 粒              ( 韩国梨,大又圆,外皮棕色。 切成丝状 )

糯米胡  2 杯
韩式江鱼子露    5 Tsp (멸치액젓 / Anchovy sauce )
辣椒粉  1 1/2 杯 (若喜欢吃辣,可稍多加一些)
蒜蓉  1 杯
姜蓉   1/4 杯
韩式虾酱  5 Tsp  ( 不放也可,我个人不喜欢太重的虾酱味,所以都没放 )
白糖  1 Tsp
粗盐少许 ( 若浸过盐水的大白菜已很咸,则少放;若嫌不够咸,则多加一点)


1. 除去大白菜外层比较老的外层叶,用刀划开大白菜的头部,将 大白菜剥成两半
2. 在大盆里,倒入 10 杯的水 ,加入盐,拌成盐水后,将大白菜浸入盐水然后取出
3. 再用材料中的 2/3 杯 粗盐,拨开大白菜的叶子,在比较厚的茎部均匀的涂上较多的盐,叶片部份则撒上少许即可
4. 再放入盐水醃渍 5,6 个小时,只要茎部已变软即可
5. 取出泡浸后的大白菜,用水清洗大白菜1,2次,洗掉盐份,沥干水份 ( 一定要沥干,否则做出来的泡菜会有很多水)
6. 用刀切掉大白菜的蒂头,留下的外叶备用
7. 将内馅的材料拌均,从大白菜最下面的叶片开始,一片一片的塗抹上内馅料
8. 加完内馅料后,最后再将最下面的叶片往上折,紧包裹住大白菜及馅料
9. 放入保鲜盒,以大白菜剖面朝上的方式( 避免馅料掉出),将大白菜放入保鲜盒,并将之前留下的外叶覆盖在上面 ( 不放也可以)
10. 泡菜发酵的所需时间会随着季节与室内温度而有所差异。在夏天,置于室温约半天,春与秋天则约 1 天,要注意若保鲜盒内的泡菜,有点发酵起泡时,就可马上放入冰箱, 约3 - 7 天后就可食用。 若怕发酵失败,做好后,直接放入冰箱,让泡菜慢慢发酵一个月后才吃。

( p/s : 在韩国有专门用来储藏泡菜的专用冰箱,称为 “泡菜冰箱”。储藏在泡菜冰箱的泡菜,可存放更长的时间,更新鲜美味 )

2 Napa cabbages

salt water:
salt water ( coarse salt 1 Cup,water 10 cup)
coarse salt 2/3 cup

kimchi stuffing:
Korea  radish 1kg,julienned
spring onion  400g,cut into 4cm long pieces
pear  1 ,sliced & cut into fine strips
glutinous rice paste 2 cup
anchovy sauce 5 Tsp
red pepper powder 1 1/2 cup
garlic 1 cup, minced
ginger 1/4 cup,minced
shrimp sauce 5 Tsp ( optional )
sugar 1 Tsp
salt ( to taste)

Method :
1. Trim the cabbage,cut it into two sections
2. In a large bowl, dissolve  l cup of coarse salt in 10  cups of water.Soak the cabbages in the salt water and take it out
3. Sprinkle 2/3 cup of salt in between leaves
4. Soak the cabbages in the salt water again for about 5,6 hours,  make sure the cabbages are evenly salted,until the leaves become soft.
5.When the leaves are wilted,rinse cabbage and drain well,squeeze the water out from the leaves gently
6. Add garlic,ginger,glutinous rice paste,green onion,pear,anchovy sauce ,red pepper powder,sugar,salt,julienned Korea  radish ,mix well
7. Rub the spicy stuffing between the cabbage leaves. Fold and wrap tightly around the rest of the cabbage by using the outside leaf.
8.Put the stuffed cabbages in the container
9. Leave at room temperature for half day in summer;spring & autumn for 1 day,until it begins to ferment before storing in the refrigerator or put it directly in the refrigerator, refrigerate for about one month before serving
(p/s: In Korea, we have special refrigerator for kimchi storage,we call it "Kimchi refrigerator". Kimchi will last longer and the taste is better )


  1. 到韩国餐厅用餐,少不了这一道韩国泡菜。马来西亚的天气炎热,吃泡菜的感觉很棒。因为它是冰凉的,美味又爽口。

  2. 若慕,当妳吃韩国拉面或吃烤番薯/蒸蕃薯时,配泡菜一起吃,味道会更好,试试看。。。

  3. I love Korean food very much! I dont know how to say my love for it, I just like its spiciness & Korean style of eating & all ingredients are nature & fresh!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. 您好~请问还有什么牌子的辣椒粉是不辣的除了韩国辣椒粉应为我找不到。。。
