Monday, December 5, 2011

Seasoned Oyster Mushroom/凉拌平菇/느타리버섯무침

Pleurotus ostreatus, the oyster mushroom, is a common edible mushroom. It was first cultivated in Germany as a subsistence measure during World War I and is now grown commercially around the world for food

Both the Latin and common names refer to the shape of the fruiting body. The Latin pleurotus (sideways) refers to the sideways growth of the stem with respect to the cap, while the Latin ostreatus (and the English common name, oyster) refers to the shape of the cap which resembles the bivalve of the same name. Many also believe that the name is fitting due to a flavor resemblance to oysters


平菇學名Pleurotus ostreatus;又名側耳糙皮側耳蠔菇黑牡丹菇台灣稱秀珍菇的是Pleurotus sajor-caju這個species的菇,平菇和秀珍菇絕對不同,平菇幼菇菇傘呈橄欖綠色,但秀珍菇幼菇通體潔白)是担子菌门伞菌目側耳科一種類,是種相當常見的灰色食用菇。

平菇的學名是Pleurotus ostreatus。Pleurotus就是指「向側面」的意思,這是因平菇的菌柄是向側面生的。而ostreatus就是指平菇的外形及味道相像的,所以平菇亦有蠔菇之稱。

(  source:Wikipedia)


oyster mushrooms 250 g
chopped green onion 3 Tsp
minced garlic 1 tsp
roasted sesame seeds 1 tsp
sesame oil 1 tsp
red pepper powder  1 tsp
a pinch of salt
a pinch of pepper

Method :

1. Boil the water.

2. Wash the oyster mushrooms,blanch in boiling water; take it out immediately, immerse it in the cold water,take it out  again.
3.  Put the  oyster mushroom in your palm and press out the water,

4.  Put the  oyster mushroom in a big bowl, add in garlic,green onion,sesame seed, sesame oil,red pepper powder,pepper and salt to taste.

新鲜蘑菇 250g
青葱末 3 Tsp
蒜蓉 1 tsp
芝麻 1 tsp
麻油 少许
辣椒粉 1 tsp

1. 洗净蘑菇,放入已煮滚的锅中将蘑菇烫软
2. 挤掉水份
3. 将所有的材料混合,拌均即可

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