Sunday, December 4, 2011

醃渍黄瓜 (오이지)

You can buy the cucumber pickle at the Korean supermarket in package form. In summer, this is the harvest season  for cucumbers,therefore, Korean make many cucumber pickle for storage. We slice the cucumber pickle, marinate it with seasoning or add in mineral water, ice, sesame seeds ,vinegar to eat. One of the favourite food for Korean in summer..
(This recipe is written in Chinese & English)

黄瓜 15 条 ( 选那些体型较瘦小的,而且体型直的 )
粗盐 约 1/2 杯

水 15 杯
粗盐 2 杯
(我个人喜欢加入 2,3Tsp 的糖。吃起来咸中带点甜)

1. 将黄瓜洗净后,在放有盐巴的占板上,让黄瓜在上面滚动。这之后,洗干净已沾上盐巴的黄瓜。
2. 用布或纸巾抹干黄瓜身上的水份,以免在发酵过程中,黄瓜变酸。将黄瓜放在泡菜甕 (在韩国以外的国家,可以把黄瓜放在保鲜盒)
3. 在锅中加入水和盐,煮滚。将热水倒入步骤 2的黄瓜里,一定要使黄瓜完全浸入盐水中。用乾净的石头或重碗压住 (主要的目的是不让黄瓜浮在水面),盖上盖,置放阴凉处。
4. 醃渍 2,3 天后,倒出盐水,再煮滚,再倒入保鲜盒;如此反复做 2 次
5. 置放阴凉处时,天气热时,盐水里会浮现微白的霉状物,一定要捞出,再放入冰箱保存。 待 10-15天后,黄瓜就会变成黄色,即可食用。

cucumbers 15 pieces ( choose those thin and straight cucumbers)
coarse salt 1/2 cup

water 15 cups
coarse salt 2 cups
( I like to add in 2,3 Tsp of sugar, sweet & salty)

1. Wash the cucumber, sprinkle salt on the cutting board, roll the cucumber on the cutting board, wash the cucumber again.
2. Use the kitchen tower or paper to remove the water from the cucumber, the purpose is to prevent the cucumber will turn sour during the process of fermenting. Put the cucumbers in the container.
3. Boil  the water, add in salt. Put the hot water into step (2), the water must cover over the surface of the cucumbers. In Korea, we put a big stone or heavy bowl on the top of the cucumbers, the purpose is to prevent the cucumbers floating on the top of the water. Cover the lid, put  at the shady place.
4. Marinate it for about 2,3 days, pour out the water, boil the water again, pour the water in the container again; repeat this for 2 times.
5. Put at the shady place, if the weather is hot, on the surface of the salted water, it will appear one layer of white fungus, must remove the fungus, put it the refrigerator for storage. After about 10 to 15 days, cucumbers will turn yellow color, is the suitable time for eating it.


醃渍黄瓜 2 条

辣椒粉 2 tsp
糖 1 tsp
蒜蓉  2 tsp
青葱末 2Tsp
麻油 2tsp
芝麻 1 1/2 tsp

1. 将醃渍黄瓜切成圆片,稍浸在水中,降低其盐份。若浸在水中太久,黄瓜的味道太淡了,可在调味料中加入少许盐。
2. 挤干水份
3. 先将辣椒粉和糖加入黄瓜片里,稍用力搅拌,使到辣椒粉和糖完全融入黄瓜片后,再加入其他的调味料拌均即可食用。

How  to eat cucumber pickle

cucumber pickle 2 pieces

red pepper powder 2 tsp
sugar 1 tsp
garlic 2 tsp, minced
spring onion 2 Tsp, chopped
sesame oil 2 tsp
sesame seeds 1 1/2 tsp

1. Slice the cucumber pickle, soak in the water for a few minutes, the purpose is to remove the salt. Please don't soak it for too long period, otherwise, it will be tasteless. What if, it is soaked for too long period, you may add in a little salt.
2. Use your palms to squeeze out the water.
3. Add in the red pepper powder and sugar, mix it well before you add in other seasoning ingredients.

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