Tuesday, January 17, 2012

厚壳贻贝(丝绸壳菜蛤)汤/Mussel Soup/홍합탕


In Korea, January is a good season for  eating mussels, if the fresh of the mussel is white colour, that is male;  orange colour is female......

( This recipe is written in Chinese & English )

厚壳贻贝    500g
大洋葱   1/2粒 (切成片状)
白萝卜 30g (切成片状)
青葱粒 1Tsp

1. 将厚壳贻贝 洗干净,
2. 在一锅里倒入足以盖过厚壳贻贝份量的水量,放入大洋葱和白萝卜片煮至滚,
3. 水滚后,放入厚壳贻贝。熟了的厚壳贻贝,贝壳会一一打开,这时候加入盐调味,上桌

Mussels  500g
half of the big onion ( slice it into pieces)
radish 30g ( slice it into pieces)
salt, pinch of it
spring onion 1 Tsp, chopped
pepper.pinch of it

1. Wash the mussels.
2. Boil a pot of water, enough to cover the surface of  mussels, put in the onion and radish ,boil it,
3. When the water is boiling, put in the mussels. The shell of the mussel will open respectively if it is
    cooked, add in the salt to taste, sprinkle the spring onion and pepper before serve.

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