Sunday, January 15, 2012

鲜蚝饭/Oyster Rice/굴밥

韩国人非常喜爱吃鲜蚝,他们称鲜蚝是”来自大海的牛奶“。我们家很少吃白米饭,都是吃糙米,大麦,黑豆等煮成的饭。。。通常在吃鲜蚝饭的时候,韩国人都会拌入“单花韭菜(달래,请参阅下面的图片),酱清“ 酱料一起吃,这“单花韭菜(달래)”含有一股芬芳的香味。“单花韭菜(달래)“是葱科葱属植物,分布于韩国半岛,日本及中国北部。

Korean  like to eat fresh oyster, they crown fresh oyster as " the milk from the sea". In my family, we rarely eat the white rice, we use brown rice, barley, black bean etc to cook rice.....Normally, when Korean eat this
oyster rice, they like to mix it with the"  Korean wild chive,soy bean sauce". This  is the fragrant Korean wild chive. Korean Wild Chive/ Allium Monanthum ( Korean  call it "dallae",달래) is a small wild onion found in the woodlands of Korea  Peninsula,Japan & northern part of  China.

(This recipe is written in Chinese & English )

一般糙米 1 杯
糯米糙米  1/2杯
大麦   1/2杯
鲜蚝 200g
栗子  50g
黑豆  50g

单花韭 50g(切细)(若没单花韭菜可用青葱代替)
酱清 2Tsp
辣椒粉 1/2tsp
芝麻 1tsp
蒜蓉 1tsp
麻油 1/2tsp

1。 将鲜蚝洗乾净,沥干水份,
2.     一般糙米,糯米糙米,黑豆也洗干净,
3.     栗子洗干净后,切成两半,
4.     将所有的材料加入水,放入电饭锅内煮至熟便可。
5.      吃鲜蚝饭的时候,拌入事先准备的酱清酱料( 随个人的喜好而拌入酱清酱料,半汤
         匙,1汤匙 或多。。。。

brown rice 1 cup
glutinous brown rice 1/2 cup
barley 1/2 cup
fresh oyster 200g
chestnut 50g
black bean 50g

Korean wild chive ,soy bean sauce:
Korean wild chive 50g (chopped) ( can use spring onion to substitute Korean wild chive)
soy bean sauce 2Tsp
red pepper powder 1/2tsp
sesame seed 1tsp
garlic 1tsp,minced
sesame oil 1/2tsp

1. Wash the fresh oyster, rinse and drain,
2. Wash the brown rice,glutinous brown rice, black beans,
3. Wash the chestnuts,  for each chestnut cut it into two,
4. Put all the ingredients and the water into the rice cooker, cook it,
5. When the rice is served, mix in the ready made Korean wild chive soy bean sauce, it depends
     on your  taste  whether you want to add in half spoon, one spoon or more....

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