Tuesday, February 21, 2012

泡菜汤/Kimchi Jigae/김치찌개

泡菜汤,韩文的发音为 “ Kimchi Jigae", 在韩国是家户喻晓的,几乎是人人对它爱不释手的家常便饭。泡菜汤的主要材料是发酵已久的泡菜,再随个人的喜爱加上猪肉,香肠,豆腐等配料。刚做成的泡菜是不用来煮泡菜汤的,发酵越久的泡菜,所含的酵母菌就越多。新鲜的泡菜是煮不出来那香醇的味道。。。。
"Jigae" is a Korean dish similar to a Western stew. Kimchi Jigae is often cooked in Korean homes using older,more fermented kimchi, creating a much stronger taste and containing higher amounts of  bacteria as found in yogurt. The stew is said to be more flavorful if prepared with older kimchi, while fresh kimchi may not bring out a full and rich flavor. Kimchi is the most important  ingredient and other ingredients ,such as pork,sausage,tuna,tofu, it depends on personal preferences.

( This recipe is written in Chinese & English )

发酵已久的泡菜  300g
豆腐  150g,切成块状
香肠  100g
罐头 tuna  130g
青葱粒  1Tsp
蒜蓉 1tsp
青辣椒片  1Tsp
辣椒粉 1Tsp
韩式辣椒酱  1 1/2 Tsp
江鱼子上汤  2 1/2 cup ( 或只用水)
(P/s : 可用猪肉来代替 香肠和tuna . 若用猪肉,则必须和泡菜一起炒,在还未加入水之前)

1. 先准备 2 1/2 杯的江鱼子上汤 ( 或只用一般的水)。
2. 将泡菜切片后放入土锅(一般上韩国人喜欢用土锅来煮这道菜,若没土锅,用一般的锅也可
3. 将韩式辣椒酱和辣椒粉拌均后,用中火来炒土锅中的泡菜(无需加油)约 5 分钟。
4. 豆腐,罐头tuna,香肠放入锅里,倒入江鱼子上汤,煮至滚。
5. 煮约 20分钟后,放入青辣椒片,青葱粒,蒜蓉,再煮5分钟即可。
6. 配饭吃。。。。

fermented kimchi 300g
tofu 150g,cut in cubes
sausage 100g
canned tuna 130g
chopped green onion 1 Tsp
garlic 1tsp,minced
sliced green pepper 1 Tsp
red pepper powder 1 Tsp
Korean red pepper paste 1 1/2 Tsp
Anchovy broth  2 1/2 cup ( can use water to substitute)
( P/s: can use pork to substitute sausage & tuna. If use the pork to substitute,then, you have to fry it together with the kimchi before you pour in the water)

1. Prepared 2 1/2 cup of anchovy broth, set aside ( or use water ).
2. Slice the kimchi,put into the clay pot ( generally, Korean like to use clay pot to cook this dish, if you
    don't have, can use any pot).
3. Mix the red pepper powder and red pepper paste well,use it to fry the kimchi with medium heat ( no
    vegetable oil is required), for about 5 minutes.
4. Put the tofu,sausage,canned tuna into the pot, pour in the broth, boil it.
5. Boil it for about 20 minutes, add in green pepper,green onion,garlic, boil it for another 5 minutes.
6. Serve it with steamed rice.

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