Saturday, February 25, 2012

辣酱八爪鱼/Webfoot Octopus With Red Pepper Sauce/주꾸미볶음

In Korea, Spring is the harvest season for webfoot octopus.There are various ways for eating this,e.g fry webfoot octopus with red pepper sauce,webfoot octopus steamboat, webfoot pancake etc, the most simple and easy way is to boil it in the hot water and serve with  sweet vinegar red pepper sauce......
(This recipe is written in Chinese & English )

八爪鱼 300g
洋葱 1粒
青葱 1棵
青辣椒 1 条
面粉 1Tsp
盐 1/2tsp
芝麻  1tsp
红萝卜 1/2 条
蕃薯/地瓜 1条
食用油 2 1/2Tsp

辣椒粉 1Tsp
韩式辣椒酱 2Tsp
米酒 1Tsp
麦芽糖 (或白糖) 1Tsp
蒜蓉 1Tsp
姜蓉 1/2tsp
麻油 1Tsp

1. 除去八爪鱼的内脏,洗干净。
2. 用面粉和盐将八爪鱼揉一揉,用水洗干净,濾乾水分。
3. 将八爪鱼切成 1/2 或 1/3 片。
4. 将洋葱,青辣椒,红萝卜,蕃薯 却成片状;青葱切段状。
5. 调好调味酱料,待用。
6. 在锅内倒入食用油,将所有的菜类炒至软,加入八爪鱼和调味酱料一起炒至八爪鱼入味和
7. 上桌前撒些芝麻在表面。
( P/s: 若到韩国的餐馆吃这一道菜,当还吃剩下一点点的时候,服务员会为客人在锅中加入白饭,紫菜,麻油等,将饭炒的香喷喷的。。。。好好吃。。。。在家中也可以这样吃)

webfoot octopus 300g
onion 1 piece
green onion 1 stalk
green chili 1 piece
flour 1Tsp
salt 1/2tsp
sesame seeds 1tsp
carrot 1/2 piece
sweet potato 1 piece
vegetable oil 2 1/2Tsp

red pepper powder 1Tsp
Korean red pepper paste 2Tsp
rice wine 1Tsp
corn syrup ( or sugar) 1Tsp
garlic 1Tsp ,minced
ginger 1tsp,minced
sesame oil 1Tsp

1. Remove the webfoot octopus's intestines,wash and clean .
2. Use the flour and salt to "massage' the webfoot octopus,rinse and drain.
3. Cut the webfoot octopus into 1/2 or 1/3.
4. Slice the onion, green chili,carrot,sweet potato; cut the green onion.
5. Mix well all the seasoning.set aside.
6. Pour the vegetable oil in the fry pan, fry the vegetables until soft, add in webfoot octopus and the
    seasoning, stir well and fry well.
7. Garnish with the sesame seeds before serve.
(P/s: If you visit the restaurant in Korea to take this cuisine, when the customer have eaten this food and still left some more ,the waitress will add the rice,seaweed,sesame oil etc, to fry the rice for the customer,the taste is very may do this at home too.)

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