Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Morning Roll/ Butter Roll

I like to bake morning roll / butter roll, use it to make sandwich or hamburger....


Ingredients :
(A) bread flour 500g
      yeast 2 tsp
      sugar 75g
      milk powder 2 Tsp
      salt 1 tsp

(B)  eggs   3
       milk 210 ml

(C)  butter 60g

(D)  1 egg for egg wash

Method :

1. Mix (A) till well blended.

2. Add (B) and knead to form a dough.

3. Add (C) continue to knead to form a smooth and elastic dough.

4. Divide the dough into 60g each and mould them into balls.. Cover dough with damp cloth .Let it proves for 50 to 60 min or till it double in size.

5. Punch out the air and mould them into balls again. Let them rest for 15 min.

6. Pre-heat the oven .

7. Brush the egg wash on top of the surface.

8. Bake it at 180 degree C for 10 to 15 min or till it turns golden brown.

9. Leave to cool before serve.


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