Monday, October 22, 2012

Cream Cheese Cake/크림치즈케익/奶油芝士蛋糕

Cream cheese is a soft, mild-tasting , cheese with a high fat content. Traditionally, it is made from unskimmed milk enriched with additional cream. It can be used for many purposes in sweet and savoury cookery.

奶油芝士是用稀奶油製作的新鮮軟質芝士的統稱,因此產地遍佈全球。奶油芝士質地鬆軟,可直接塗用食物 (例如貝果)上,亦可直接食用。芝士蛋糕亦以此種芝士製作。

( This recipe is from,thanks)

fresh milk 250 ml
cream cheese 250 g
butter 60 g
yolk 6
white 6
cake flour 55 g
corn starch 20 g
cream of tartar 1/4 tsp
sugar 100 g

Method :

1. Place the butter and cream cheese under room temperature , till soft.

2. Prepare a waxed paper lined round cake pan.

3. Sift the cake flour for 3 times.

4. Preheat the over over 150 degree C with a tray of water ( water-bath).

5. Heat the fresh milk with low heat, switch off the fire when it starts to boil.

6. Place the fresh milk, butter and cream cheese over double-boiler, till the butter and cream cheese fully melted. Set aside to cool.

7. Whip yolk and add into ( 6 ), add in the cake flour, mix well until well blended.

8. Whip whites by adding the sugar in 3 times, until foamy.

9. Add in cream of tartar, whip until soft peak.

10. Gently fold 1/3 whites into yolk mixture until well mixed.

11. Fold in the rest of the whites.

12. Place the batter into the baking pan. Place on top on water-bath.

13. Bake in preheated oven for 50-60 minutes. Leave cake in oven with oven switch off and leave the door open ajar to cool for about 10 minutes.

14. Place the cake in the refrigerator for 3 hours before serve.

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