Saturday, October 20, 2012


                                            Fresh Jujube(red date)/新鲜的红枣.
 My husband bought a box of jujubes. This jujubes are from the Boeun Gun(보은군) in Korea. It is called "Boeun Loess Jujube(보은황토대추)

我先生买了一盒红枣。这是产自韩国 Boeun Gun (보은군)的红枣,称为Boeun Loess Jujube(보은황토대추)。

                                     One of the Jujube trees near my house/ 我家附近的一棵红枣树
Jujubes and chestnuts are required for the Korean traditional wedding ceremony......红枣和栗子是韩国传统婚礼上不可缺少的。I took this picture at the Food Expo.

Autumn is the harvest season for Jujube too. Jujube, is also called  Red Date.

The freshly harvested as well as the candied dried fruits are often eaten as a snack or with tea. In Korea, a swentened tea syrup or jujube tea in the form of teabags is also available.

In Korea, jujubes are called " Daechu 대추" and are used in Daechu tea ,"Samgyetang( chicken ginseng soup)",etc.

In Korea,  "Daechu Su/Jujube Wine (대추수)/红枣酒"  is available at the market. We do also make it at home, the jujubes are preserved by storing in a jar filled with liquor.

In the traditional Korean wedding ceremony, it is a Korean tradition that the newly weds get married, they will be holding onto the clothes and have to catch those chestnuts and jujubes which their parents throw at them, as a good luck charm for fertility; chestnuts represent daughters and jujubes are the symbol of sons in Korean culture.

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