Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Roasted" Kim"/김/香烤紫菜

  • In Asia, Nori (海苔, Japan), Zicai (紫菜, China), and Gim (김, Korea) are sheets of dried Porphyra used in soups or to wrap sushi . ...

As what I know, many foreigners they like to buy "김/Kim/紫菜" when they visit Korea. This "Kim" are roasted with sesame oil, sprinkled with salt and cut into squares. In fact, both the roasted "kim" and original dried "kim" are available in the market in Korea.

Have you ever thought that to roast the "kim" by yourself ? Yes, I like to roast the "kim" at home rather  than buying  the roasted "kim" from the market, it is fresh and not so salty.

据我所知,有许多的外国游客,当他们到访韩国时,他们都喜欢购买韩国的 "김/Kim/紫菜"。这紫菜是经过烤香,已撒上盐,并且切成小块。 在韩国可买到已经烤过的紫菜和未经烤过的紫菜。

您可曾想过亲自烤紫菜 ?我就喜欢自己在家中烤紫菜,那会比从市场上买回来的更新鲜和香 脆, 也比较不咸。

Gim (), also spelled as kim in Korean.  In Welsh this food is called laver and in Japanese, nori.

Gim is known to be abundant in protein and vitamins, especially vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, and B12. It is also known to have a high content of mineral salts, particularly iodine and iron, and essential amino acids and properties that dispose of cholesterol, earning its reputation as a "healthy food".

As natural collection of gim wasn't enough to meet demand, various new cultivation techniques developed between the 17th century and 19th century, mostly in the Gwangyang bay region. Although posts and woven frames made from bamboo are traditionally used in cultivation, nets of synthetic fiber are also used in modern times.
Gim is known to grow well in sea water between 5 °C and 8 °C, so gim collection is usually done between December and January. Gim that has been grown for 50 days is considered best for consumption, as the color and flavor are at their best. Cultivation is done mostly in the regions of South Jeolla and South Gyeongsang, with the gim from Wando being the most famous.

There are many legends about the etymology of the word gim. One version explains that an old lady in the region of Hadong discovered a log covered in gim floating down the Seomjin River, which inspired her to cultivate gim on upright bamboo support poles. Another legend says that the word "gim" was named after its creator, Kim Yeo-Ik (김여익), who lived in the island Taeindo during the reign of King Injo, who was the first person to have cultivated gim after seeing a drifting oak branch covered in it.[3] Although the true origins of the term, gim are unclear, there are records dating from the 17th century of Kim Yeo-Ik cultivating gim. There is a monument in Taeindong, Gwangyang set up in his honor for these achievements.
(source: wikipedia)


original dried "kim"
perilla oil or sesame oil


1. Pour the perilla oil or sesame oil in a small dish, use a brush to dip the oil and brush on the surface of the dried "kim". Repeat the same process for all the sheets.

2. After brushing the oil on the surface of the dried "kim", sprinkle the salt on each sheet too.

3. Heat the fry pan ( without any oil), place the dried "kim" on the pan to roast it  Before the dried "kim" is roasted, the color is rather dark; once it is roasted, the color will turn green, once it turns green color, remove  immediately  from the pan. Repeat the same process until you have roasted all the dried "kim" sheets. Please don't roast it for long time.

4. Use the scissors to cut the size as you wish.

5. Put the roasted  "kim" in the container for storage. Must close the container well, otherwise,  the roasted "kim" will turn soft and not crisp.

韩国出产的紫菜 (在韩国超市可以买到已烤好的和没烤好的)
紫苏菜油或者麻油 (请别用其他食用油,会不香)



3. 将平底锅烧热(无需加油。我建议用旧的锅),将紫菜放在锅里。在还未烤紫菜的时候,它的颜色是比较暗淡,一经过烤后,颜色会变青,一变青,便马上离锅。以这方法烤完所有的紫菜。请别烤太长的时间。

4. 用剪刀将紫菜剪成您所喜爱的长度。

5. 放在罐子里保存。要盖好罐子,以免紫菜变软。

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