Thursday, November 15, 2012

Curled Mallow soup/아욱국 ( a- wook-guk)/冬莧菜汤

Curled Mallow or Chinese Mallow/아욱 ("a-wook") is the vegetable that Korean likes to use it for preparing soup, especially cook it together with the deonjiang and dried shrimps.


Malva verticillata, also known as the Chinese Mallow is a species of the Mallow genus Malva in the family of Malvaceae found in East Asia. M. verticillata is an annual or biennial that grow up to 1.7 meters in high and can inhabit woodland areas of different soil types. In temperate climates, it flowers from July to September and the seeds from August to October. The flowers of the plant are self fertile but can be also propagated by insects.

野葵学名Malva verticillata)是锦葵科锦葵属的植物。分布在缅甸埃塞俄比亚锡金埃及印度朝鲜欧洲以及中国大陆新疆青海云南吉林四川内蒙古等.




( source : wikipedia)


curled mallow / Chinese mallow 400 g
broth 4 cups (use about 8 pieces of  the dried anchovies to boil with water)
deonjiang 2 Tsp
Korean red pepper paste 1 Tsp ( optional )
Korean dried shrimp 50 g
minced garlic 1 tsp
1 green pepper
chopped green onion 2 Tsp
tofu  150 g

Method :

1. To prepare the broth, use the dried anchovies to boil in the water for about 5 to 10 minutes, remove the dried anchovies.

2. Remove the leaves of the curled mallow from the stem, if the leave is too long, many chop it into half; for the stem, please peel the outer layer of the stem, chop the stem for about 4 cm long.

3. While washing the vegetables, please use your hand "to massage " the vegetables,the purpose is to get rid off the bitterness from the vegetables.

4. When the broth is boiling, add in the doenjiang,red pepper paste,curled mallow,Korean dried shrimps,green pepper,tofu,garlic and finally green onion.

5. Serve hot.

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