Friday, November 16, 2012

Salted eggs/절인계란/咸蛋

I learnt this from the famous food blogger Christines....This was the first time for me to make salted eggs, I did  tried to use the quail eggs for making the salted eggs too...

A salted duck egg is a Chinese preserved food product made by soaking duck eggs in brine, or packing each egg in damp, salted charcoal. In Asian supermarkets, these eggs are sometimes sold covered in a thick layer of salted charcoal paste. The eggs may also be sold with the salted paste removed, wrapped in plastic, and vacuum packed. From the salt curing process, the salted duck eggs have a briny aroma, a very liquid egg white and a firm-textured, round yolk that is bright orange-red in colour.
Salted duck eggs are normally boiled or steamed before being peeled and eaten as a condiment to congee or cooked with other foods as a flavouring. The egg white has a sharp, salty taste. The orange red yolk is rich, fatty, and less salty. The yolk is prized and is used in Chinese mooncakes to symbolize the moon.
Despite its name, salted duck eggs can also be made from chicken eggs, though the taste and texture will be somewhat different, and the egg yolk will be less rich.


  • 黃沙醃法:醃製時先將黃沙倒入盆中,加入鹽、油和水,拌成糊狀,再將晾乾的鮮鴨蛋逐個放入粘泥封存妥當,3周後可洗去泥沙煮食。一些地方亦會以泥沙代替黃沙,或在黃沙中加入粘土;亦會有人以麵粉加熱水成糊狀,加入食鹽、五香粉和白酒,以同樣方法製作。
  • 鹽水醃製法:將食鹽溶於沸水,冷卻後倒入壇中,並將洗淨晾乾的鴨蛋,逐個放進鹽水中,加以密封,置通風處,25天左右即可開壇取蛋煮食。此法醃製的鹹鴨蛋,據說可令蛋黃多出油。另外亦可在鹽水中加入花椒桂皮茴香、生,將洗淨的鴨蛋泡入,封存後待40天即可煮食。
  • 白酒浸製法:浸醃時先將晾乾的鴨蛋放在白酒中浸蘸,再滾上精鹽,放入容器內,密封放置在乾燥、陰涼、通風處,約30天即可取出煮食。
  • 辣醬醃法:備辣椒醬、精各一碗,把鴨蛋逐個在辣椒醬中均勻蘸一下,以精鹽中滾一遍,放入瓷罐,頂層撒鹽少許,加蓋並以牛皮紙密封,放置在陰涼通風處,30至40天即可食用。另有人會將辣椒醬、白酒,按8:2的比例拌勻,以同樣方法把鴨蛋醃製70至90天,據說這種醃鴨蛋呈辣紅色,酒香四溢,鹹中微辛。




( source : wikipedia)


chicken eggs / duck eggs 12 pieces
rock salt (粗盐) 1 cup
water 4 cups
Shaoxing wine ( 绍兴酒) 1 T
Sichuan peppercorns (花椒)2 tsp
star anise (八角) 1 piece

Method :

1. Wash and drain the eggs ( make sure that there is no cracks on every egg). Set aside.

2. Pour the water in a cooking ware, add in Sichuan peppercorns, star anise, salt, bring it to boil. When the salt dissolves, add in the Shaoxing wine. Set aside, till it  is cool.

3. Put the eggs  in a clean & dry container, pour in the boiled water.  Please make sure that the water fully covers the surface of the eggs. The eggs may float after you have poured in the water. In this case, you can put a small sauce plate on top of it, so that all the eggs submerse completely in the brine.

4. Seal the container. The eggs are then stored indoor at room temperature for about 30-40 days or a few more days.

5. After 30-40 days, wash and drain the eggs. Keep the eggs in the refrigerator for storage, it can last for a few weeks.

6. Boil the salted eggs before you serve it.

( P/s: Christines advised that the purpose for adding the Shaoxing wine is that, the egg yolks would turn orange-red beautifully because of the effect of adding Shaoxing wine)

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