" O Di Ju " Mulberry Wine/桑葚酒/오디주
2013/07/31 14:05
Mulberry, we call it " O Di "/ 오디 in Korean. Summer is the harvest season for mulberry in Korea. is a good season for us to make the mulberry wine and mulberry syrup.....
桑葚,在韩文被称为 “ O Di ”/오디. 桑葚是桑树的果实,在韩国,夏季是桑葚盛产的季节,我们喜欢用它来釀酒或果汁。。。
(Recipe is written in English & Chinese/食谱中英对照)
Morus, a genus of flowering plants in the family Moraceae, comprises 10–16 species of deciduous trees commonly known as mulberries growing wild and under cultivation in many temperate world regions
The mulberry fruit is a multiple fruit, 2–3 cm (0.79–1.2 in) long. Immature fruits are white, green, or pale yellow. In most species, the fruits turn pink then red while ripening, then dark purple or black and have a sweet flavor when fully ripe. The fruits of the white-fruited cultivar are white when ripe; the fruit in this cultivar is also sweet but has a very mild flavor compared with the darker variety.
The ripe fruit is edible and is widely used in pies, tarts, wines, cordials and tea. The fruit of the black mulberry, native to southwest Asia, and the red mulberry, native to eastern North America, have the strongest flavor.It was much used in folk medicine
桑椹(拉丁名:Fructus Mori)是桑科桑属多年生木本植物桑树的果实,椭圆形,长1—3厘米,表面不平滑。未成熟时为绿色,逐渐成长变为白色、红色,成熟后为紫红色或紫黑色,味酸甜。《本草新编》有“紫者为第一,红者次之,青则不可用”的记载。桑椹中含有多种功能性成分,如芦丁、花青素、白黎芦醇等,具有良好的防癌、抗衰老、抗溃疡、抗病毒等作用。
补肝,益肾,熄风,滋液。治肝肾阴亏,失眠,消渴,便秘,目暗,耳鸣,瘰疬,关节不利。- 《唐本草》:单食,主消渴。
- 《本草拾遗》:利五脏关节,通血气,捣末,蜜和为丸。
- 《本草衍义》:治热渴,生精神,及小肠热。
- 《滇南本草》:益肾脏而固精,久服黑发明目。
- 《纲目》:捣汁饮,解酒中毒,酿酒服,利水气,消肿。
- 《玉楸药解》:治癃淋,瘰疬,秃疮。
- 《本草求真》:除热,养阴,止泻。
- 《随息居饮食谱》:滋肝肾,充血液,祛风湿,健步履,息虚风,清虚火。
- 《现代实用中药》:清凉止咳。
- 《中药形性经验鉴别法》:安胎。
- 《中華養生藥膳大全》:神經衰弱,失眠健忘,桑椹三十克,酸棗仁十五克,和水煎煮,每晚服
- 内服:煎汤,3~5钱;熬膏、生啖或浸酒。
- 外用:浸水洗。
This Korean wine is available at the Korean supermarket, is mainly used for making fruit wine..
Put the mulberries and Korean wine ( 30% alcohol, mainly used for making fruit wine ) in a glass container. Ferment it at least 3 months...
将桑葚和韩式烧酒(含酒精 30%,专门用来釀水果酒用的)。发酵至少 3 个月以上才饮喝。。。
Ingredients :
mulberries 5 kg
Korean wine ( contain 30% alcohol, mainly used for making fruit wine) 5 L
Method :
1. Slightly wash the mulberries,drain.
2. Put the mulberries in a glass container and pour in the Korean wine...
3. Seal the lid, ferment it for at least 3 months before you drink it....
材料 :
桑葚 5 kg
韩式釀水果专用的酒 5 L
1. 稍微洗一洗桑葚,沥干。
2. 将桑葚放入玻璃瓶内,倒入韩式釀水果专用的酒。。
3,密封玻璃瓶口,待发酵 3 个月以上后才饮喝。。
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