Thursday, July 31, 2014

Shortbread Cookies..../쇼트브레드

Shortbread Cookies..../쇼트브레드
Baked these shortbread cookies..
Shortbread is so named because of its crumbly texture (from an old meaning of the word short). The cause of this texture is its high fat content, provided by the butter. The  crumbly texture is a result of the fat inhibiting the formation of long protein (gluten) strands. The related word "shortening" refers to any fat that may be added to produce a "short" (crumbly) texture. Alternatively, the name may be derived from 'shorts', the bran and coarse part of meal.

Shortbread is different from shortcake, which can be similar to shortbread, but which can be made using vegetable fat instead of butter and always uses a chemical leavening agent such as baking powder, which gives it a different texture.

Shortbread biscuits are often associated with normal egg-based biscuits, but they hold their shape under pressure, making them ideal for packed meals.

Shortbread is generally associated with and originated in Scotland, but due to its popularity it is also made in the remainder of the United Kingdom, and similar biscuits are also made in Denmark, Ireland and Sweden. The Scottish version is the best-known, and Walkers Shortbread Ltd is Scotland's largest food exporter.
(source: wikipedia)

Ingredients :
cake flour 600 g ( sift the flour before you use it )
butter 198 g
shortening 198 g
sugar 210 g
salt 6 g
corn syrup 30 g
eggs 60 g
yolks 60 g
vanilla essence 3 g

2 egg yolks for egg wash ( please sift it before you use it )

Method :
1. Beat the butter, shortening by using the electric mixer, beat the butter and shortening until smooth and creamy.

2. Add the sugar, salt, corn syrup together, and beat until fluffy.

3. Add in the eggs, yolks by  2 to 3 times and continue to beat until very fluffy.

4. Stir in the flour, vanilla essence, mix it well.

5. Flatten the dough into a disk shape, wrap in plastic wrap and chill the dough for at least 20-30 minutes.

6. On a lightly floured surface roll out the dough into 0.5 cm thick.

7. Cut into rounds using a lightly floured cookies cutter.

8. Place the dough on a prepared baking tray and brush with egg wash for two times ( please don't brush too much/thick ) ,use a fork to draw out the line on the surface after brushing the egg wash.

9.  Bake it for 10 minutes at 180 degree C, or until golden  colour.

10. Transfer the baked cookies to wire rack and let cool.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Grissini/ 그리시니

Baked these breadsticks, I liked the rosemary flavor very much...


Breadsticks (grissini, dipping sticks) are generally pencil-sized sticks of crisp, dry bread originating in Turin and the surrounding area in Italy. They are originally thought to have been created in the 14th century; although according to a local tradition, they were invented by a baker in Lanzo Torinese (northern Italy) in 1679....

Breadsticks may be offered at the table in restaurants as an appetizer, in some instances or regions they may be a type that is larger than pencil-sized.

Pre-made, dried breadsticks may sometimes be sold in markets as a kind of snack or a pre-meal appetizer for home use, somewhat similar to a cracker.


Sunday, July 27, 2014

"Gol-baeng- i Bibim Guk Su"/ 扁玉螺拌面/골뱅이 비빔 국수

"Gol-baeng- i Bibim Guk Su"/ 扁玉螺拌面/골뱅이 비빔 국수 Rice/Noodles
2014/07/27 21:53

Dear friends, would you like to have chilled noodles served with whelk / buckie ? Here it is, "Gol-baeng- i Bibim Guk Su ". In Korean, " Gol-baeng - i " means "whelk/buckie"; "Guk Su" means "noodles ".

Whelk   : Neverita didyma, common name is the bladder moon snail, is a species of predatory sea snail.

  • We can also eat the Golbaeongi without the noodles, we call it Golbaengi Muchim, is a type of Korean salad mainly consumed as "anju"(side dish) when drinking alcoholic beverage ,such as soju or beer..

亲爱的朋友们,您可否愿意嚐一嚐用扁玉螺拌面条 ? 就是这道辣酱扁玉螺拌面 。 在韩文,“Gol-baeng- i ” 的意思是 “扁玉螺”; “Guk-Su”是指 “面条。

若您不喜欢吃面条,那您也可以就只拌扁玉螺,我们称它为 Golbaeongi Muchim,是配烧酒或啤酒的小菜。。。

                              The main ingredients : whelk, cucumber, carrot, onion...
                              主要材料 : 扁玉螺,黄瓜, 红萝卜,洋葱。。

                                 Cook the noodles in boiling water on medium heat..

                                  Mix all the ingredients for the sauce in a bowl..

                                  Mix the cucumbers, carrots ,onions, whelks with the sauce..
                                 将黄瓜,红萝卜, 洋葱, 扁玉螺与酱料拌均。。

Ingredients :
Korean thin noodles 120 g
canned whelk 200 g
sliced cucumbers 60 g
sliced carrots 60 g
sliced onions  60 g

Ingredients for the sauce :
vinegar  5 Tsp
Korean red pepper paste 5 Tsp
sugar 4 Tsp
red pepper powder 2 Tsp
fresh lemon juice 2 Tsp
minced garlic     l 1/2  Tsp
sesame oil 1   tsp
sesame seeds 1 1/2  tsp
(P/s : when you mix the noodles with the sauce, please add in the amount of sauce according to your taste )

Method :
1. Slice the onions, cucumbers, carrots  and the whelks

2. Mix the corn syrup, red pepper paste, sugar, red pepper powder, garlic,sesame oil, sesame seeds for the sauce in a bowl. Set aside.

3. Cook the noodles in boiling water. Drain in a sieve, rinse under cold running water couples of times. While it is boiling, stir them with a spoon or chopsticks to prevent them sticking together.
The purpose for rinsing the noodles in cold water several times is to improve the texture of the noodles.
Boiling the noodles should be the last step for preparing this dish because the noodles will expand and lose their chewiness as time passes.

4. Mix the onions, cucumbers, carrots, whelks, noodles and the sauce  gently and evenly.
( OR alternatively,, mix the onions, cucumbers, carrots, whelks and the sauce evenly. Served as the picture shown above. Mix/ stir all the ingredients when you eat  ).

5. Place the boiled eggs on top of the noodles...

材料 :
韩式面线 120 g
罐装扁玉螺 200 g
黄瓜片 60 g
红罗卜片 60 g
洋葱片 60 g

酱料材料 :
醋  5 Tsp
韩式辣椒酱  5 Tsp
白糖  4 Tsp
辣椒粉  2 Tsp
柠檬汁  2 Tsp
蒜蓉  1 1/2 Tsp
麻油   1 tsp
芝麻  1 1/2  tsp

备注 :(以上的酱料,在与面条一起拌的时候,请依照个人的口味,加入酱料的份量)

方法 :
1. 将黄瓜,红萝卜,洋葱和扁玉螺切成片状。

2. 在一碗内将麦芽糖,辣椒酱,糖,辣椒粉,柠檬汁,麻油,蒜蓉 芝麻调成酱料。备用。

3. 将面条在热水中煮熟,在煮的时候,用汤匙或筷子搅拌面条,以免面条粘在一块。倒掉热水,用冷水将面条冲洗数次,除去水份。

4. 将洋葱,黄瓜,红萝卜,扁玉螺,面条和酱料拌均
(或者 :只将黄瓜,红萝卜,扁玉螺和酱料拌均,将面条先摆在碟子上,如以上的图片。在临吃前才与酱料拌均。

5. 在面上放粒蛋,一起享用。

Sunday, July 13, 2014

"Bbong-Twi-Gi Ice cream" Korean Rice Cracker with Ice cream /韩式米饼雪糕/뻥튀기아이스크림

"Bbong-Twi-Gi Ice cream" Korean Rice Cracker with Ice cream /韩式米饼雪糕/뻥튀기 아이스크림 Beverage
2014/07/13 21:45

Dear friends, would you like to scoop the ice cream and place it in between two pieces of Korean traditional rice crackers instead of the ice cream cone ? We have many kinds of traditional rice crackers, we call it "뻥튀기"/Bbong-Twi-Gi, is a very popular snack. It is available either at the supermarkets or from the street vendors. When you visit Korea, why not try to buy the rice crackers and eat it together with the ice cream, is a new taste ^-^

亲爱的朋友们,您可否愿意嚐嚐夹在两片韩式传统米饼之间的雪糕?在韩国有很多种类的韩式米饼,我们称它为 “뻥튀기"/Bbong-Twi-Gi”,是非常普遍的一种小食。您可在超市或街边小贩那买得到。。买了米饼回家,夹上雪糕来吃,别有一番风味。。。

These are the rice crackers that I eat it together with the ice cream, the diameter of the rice cracker is about 8 cm..
这是我用来夹雪糕的米饼,直径约 8 cm。。。

Monday, July 7, 2014

Seasoned "Sam-Chae "Allium Hookeri /凉拌宽叶韭根/삼채무침

Seasoned "Sam-Chae "Allium Hookeri /凉拌宽叶韭根/삼채무침 Vegetable
2014/07/07 17:00

Allium Hookeri , we call it " Sam-Chae"/삼채 in Korean. Today , I am going to use the roots of the Allium Hookeri to make a dish....
Allium Hookeri/宽叶韭,在韩文,我们称它为“삼채。今天,我将用它的根部来做一道菜。。

In Korea, we do eat it in raw , fry or boil it to drink as tea....

Allium hookeri is a plant species native to India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar (Burma), Bhutan, and southwestern China (Sichuan, Xizang (Tibet) and Yunnan). Common names include Hooker chives (in India), 宽叶韭 kuan ye jiu in China, etc.

Allium hookeri produces thick, fleshy roots and a cluster of thin bulbs. Scapes are up top 60 cm tall. Leaves are flat and narrow, about the same length as the scapes but only 1 cm across. Umbels are crowded with many white or greenish-yellow flowers.

Medicinal use of Allium hookeri:

Although no specific mention of medicinal uses has been seen for this species, members of this genus are in general very healthy additions to the diet. They contain sulphur compounds (which give them their onion flavour) and when added to the diet on a regular basis they help reduce blood cholesterol levels, act as a tonic to the digestive system and also tonify the circulatory system.

Edible parts of Allium hookeri:

 Bulb - raw or cooked. Leaves - raw or cooked. Flowers - raw. Used as a garnish on salads.

Other uses of the herb:

The juice of the plant is used as a moth repellent. The whole plant is said to repel insects and moles.

宽叶韭学名Allium hookeri)为葱科葱属的植物。分布在斯里兰卡印度不丹以及中国大陆云南四川
(source: wikipedia and Natural Medicinal )

                                         These are the  fresh Allium Hookeri Roots  .

Ingredients :
Fresh Allium Hookeri roots 120 g
Korean red pepper paste 15 g
corn syrup 10 g
sesame oil 1/2 tsp
roasted sesame seeds  1/2 tsp
minced garlic 1/2 Tsp

Method :
l. Trim the roots ( the upper portion ).

2. Wash it gently, drain it.

3. Mix  the Korean red pepper paste,corn syrup,sesame oil, sesame seeds and minced garlic in a mixing bowl.

4. Mix the sauce and the Allium Hookeri roots evenly.

5. Place it on the dish and enjoy to eat ! It is a simple dish..

材料 :
新鲜的宽叶韭根  120 g
韩式辣椒酱  15 g
韩式麦芽糖 10 g
麻油 1/2 tsp
芝麻 1/2 tsp
蒜蓉 1/2 Tsp

做法 :
1. 修一修宽叶韭根 (最上端的部份)。

2. 轻轻的洗一洗,除去水份,待乾。

3. 在一碗内,将韩式辣椒酱,韩式麦芽糖,麻油,芝麻混合均匀。

4. 将酱料和宽叶韭拌均。

5. 放在碟子上,即可享用。是道非常简单的凉拌菜肴。。

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Apricot Tree/杏子树/살구나무 Salad / Fruit
2014/07/03 15:14

Apricot Tree/杏子树/살구나무

시댁 옆집에 열린 살구들이 정말 탐스럽네요..

29/6/2014,周末回到家乡去。邻居家门口的杏子树结满了果实。。杏(學名:Prunus armeniaca),其果又稱杏子、杏實,是李属李亚属植物,其果肉、果仁均可食用.
When back to home town on the 29/6/2014,this is the apricot tree in front of my neighbour house....
Apricot tree is from the tree species Prunus armeniaca, but the species Prunus brigantina, Prunus mandshurica, Prunus mume, and Prunus sibirica are closely related, have similar fruit, and are also called apricots.

The fruit is a drupe similar to a small peach, 1.5–2.5 cm (0.6–1.0 in) diameter (larger in some modern cultivars), from yellow to orange, often tinged red on the side most exposed to the sun; its surface can be smooth (botanically described as: glabrous) or velvety with very short hairs (botanically: pubescent). The flesh is usually firm and not very juicy. Its taste can range from sweet to tart.
落叶乔木;阔卵形或圆卵形叶子,边缘有钝锯齿;近叶柄顶端有二腺体;淡红色花单生或2-3个同生;圆、长圆或扁圆形核果,果皮多为金黄色,向阳部有红晕和斑点;暗黄色果肉,味甜多汁;核面平滑没有斑孔,核缘厚而有沟纹 (source: wikipedia)