Wednesday, November 30, 2011

海带汤(미역국) /seaweed soup


Seaweed soup is served on the birthday and all the women in Korea eat this soup after giving birth. We can either use beef  broth to cook or seafood,e.g. oyster... 

(This  recipe is written in Chinese & English )

beef,seaweed,Korean soy bean sauce & Korean  beef seasoning (is optional)

Use the Korean soy bean sauce and seasoning to marinate the beef, the taste will be more better.. 

                                           Put the seaweed in the boiling water..

                                                   Add in the beef...

海带 200 g
韩式煮汤用的酱清 22 ml
水 1 L
牛肉 100 g

1. 将乾的海带,用水泡软后,放入已煮滚的水内.


(p/s: 在韩国超市可买到韩式一般用的酱清和煮汤专用的酱清)

Seaweed soup is served on the birthday and all the women in Korea eat this soup after giving birth. We can either use beef  broth to cook or seafood,e.g. oyster...

seaweed 200 g
Korean  soup soy sauce 22 ml
salt  ( taste the soup before add in some more)
water  1 L
beef 100 g
Korean soy sauce ( for marinate the beef )

l .Soak the seaweed in cold water until tender and drain.Cut it if you think it is too long.

2.Slice the beef into thin strips and marinate with soy sauce.

3. Put in the seaweed , beef & soup soy sauce/salt. When the soup is boiling, reduce the heat and simmer for 1 or 2 hours.
Cook this soup for one or two days before serving, the taste will be more better.
(p/s: Korean soup soy sauce & Korean soy sauce are available at the Korean supermarket)

Cucumber Kimchi / 黄瓜泡菜/(오이소박이)

When mention about kimchi, you may think about the Chinese cabbage kimchi. In fact, there are many kinds of kimchi  in Korea. Today, I am going to share with you about the cucumber kimchi, Korean like to eat it in summer.
(This recipe is written in Chinese & English )

黄瓜 6 条 ( 选那些瓜身结实, 瓜身不太粗的)
粗盐, 1/3 杯

韭菜 1/2 把 ( 约 500 - 600g,切段状,约 4 cm 长)
青葱 1/2 把 (  约 500 - 600g,切段状,约 4 cm 长)
辣椒粉 1/3 杯
蒜蓉 4 Tsp
姜蓉 2 tsp
糯米胡 1/2 杯
韩式江鱼子露 4 Tsp ( 멸치액젓 / Anchovy sauce )

1) 先将黄瓜洗净后,放入加盐的热水稍烫,取出后,立刻浸入冷水里,再濾干水分
2) 将黄瓜切成 3 段,在每一段的上端往下切成十字形,要小心,别将黄瓜切断,留约 1.5cm-2cm
3) 在切好的黄瓜上撒上适量的粗盐,稍后,濾干水分(别加太多盐,以免太咸)
4) 拌均韭菜醃料,将韭菜醃料塞满在每一段黄瓜内,再用剩余的醃料均匀地涂在黄瓜表面上,将黄瓜放入保鲜盒
5) 黄瓜比大白菜泡菜容易变酸,因此无需放在室温等到发酵,直接放入冰箱保存。1,2 天后才吃,会更好吃

cucumbers 6 pieces ( choose those cucumbers which are thin & uncurved )
coarse salt,  1/3 cup

leek 1/2 bundle ( about 500  to 600 g, cut it into about 4 cm long )
spring onion 1/2 bundle ( about 500 to 600g, cut it into about 4 cm long )
red pepper powder 1/3 cup
garlic 4 Tsp, minced
ginger 2 tsp, minced
glutinous rice paste 1/2 cup
Korean anchovy sauce 4 Tsp, we call it "멸치액젓"
sugar , to taste

1. Wash the cucumber, put the cucumber in the salted hot water,blanch it for a while, take it out immediately, put in the cold water,rinse and drain. Please don't put in the hot water for too long period.

2. Cut each of the cucumber into 3 parts, about 5 to 6 cm long, make cross cuts in the middle. Please be careful, don't break it, must leave about 1.5cm to 2cm long.

3. Sprinkle coarse salt on the cucumber, after 30 minutes, rinse and drain (please don't sprinkle too much salt, it will be very salty)

4. Mix all the seasoning ingredients, put it in the cross cuts made in step (2). If still left some ingredients ,put the remaining ingredients on the surface of the cucumbers, place it in the container.

5. Cucumber kimchi, it takes shorter time for fermenting, therefore, it is not necessary to put it in the room under room temperature,  put it in the refrigerator  immediately after making it. Eat it after 1 or 2 days, it will be more delicious.