Skirt Steak /里脊肉/갈매기살
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Dear friends, have you ever tried to grill the kimchi ? Do you know what is called " Skirt Steak " ? Let me share with you....
亲爱的朋友们,您可曾烧烤泡菜? 您可知道“里脊”是那一部位的肉吗 ?让我来与您分享。。。
Skirt steak is a cut of beef steak from the plate. It is long, flat, and prized for its flavor rather than tenderness. It is not to be confused with flank steak, a generally similar adjacent cut nearer the animal's rear quarter.
Both the inside and outside skirt steak are the trimmed, boneless portion of the diaphragm muscle attached to the 6th through 12th ribs on the underside of the short plate. This steak is covered in a tough membrane that should be removed before cooking.
The inside skirt steak is often confused with the butt flap which is the tail of the porter house and t-bone steaks of the short loin found on the flank. It has similar cooking properties.
횡격막은 우리말로 가로막이라고 하는데 이 단어에 살이라는 단어를 합치면 가로막살이 되고 변천하여 갈매기살이라 명명되었다. 갈매기살에는 지방이 적고 불포화 지방산이 높아 먹어도 살이 잘 찌지 않으며 동맥경화를 예방하고, 피로회복에 좋은 비타민 B1, BF 함유, 단백질 중에서도 필수 아미노산이 풍부하며 철분, 빈혈예방 특히 간장보호 효능이 탁월히 좋다.
얇게 썰어 깨끗한 물에 씻은 후 물기를 제거한 뒤 구이나 전골에 이용한다. 또한 같이 먹기 좋은 음식은 많은 양질의 식이섬유가 포함된 버섯이다. 돼지고기의 콜레스테롤의 흡수를 낮춰주기 때문이다.
( sources : wikipedia,百度百科)
This is the "Skirt Steak ",also known as: Romanian tenderloin; Romanian steak; Philadelphia steak; Arrachera (Mx).
Grilled the "Skirt Steak "...
This was how we drink the Korean rice wine : Makgoli "...
The bean sprout soup was delicious...
After having the grilled skirt steak, we had bibim myeon...
If you are not the local foodies, I think you will not step in this restaurant,it is not well decorated and an old shop lot. But, if you are there, you will be surprised to see the number of customers..It is located in Kyeonggi Do-Gwang Ju...the skirt steak is really very delicous...
如果您不是道地的美食爱好者,我想您不会步入这外观简陋的餐馆。但,若您到那的话,您会感到惊讶,顾客挤满堂。。这餐馆位于 Kyeongi Do-Gwang Ju, 这的烧烤里脊2肉真的是一级棒。。
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