曾几何时,我家的咖啡也从即溶咖啡演变成自炒,自磨,1 00% homemade
咖啡的來源已無從稽考。諸多傳說之一指咖啡原产地埃塞俄 比亞西南部的咖法省高原地區,據說是一千多年前]一位牧 羊人發現羊吃了一種植物後,變得非常興奮活潑,因此發現 了咖啡。也有說法是由於一場野火,燒燬了一片咖啡林,燒 烤咖啡的香味引起周圍居民的注意。人民最初咀嚼這種植物 果實以提神,後來烘烤磨碎摻入麵粉做成麵包,作為勇士的 食物,以提高作戰的勇氣。不過這些傳說故事都缺乏歷史文 件佐證,只出現於後世的旅游傳記中,是無法考究真正的咖 啡起源。
The consumption for coffee is soaring up recently. Each of the coffee shop in Korea has their unique interior decoration. My husband he likes self roasting coffee,roast it,grind it...100% home made coffee...
Coffee was first consumed in the 9th century,when it was discovered in the highlands of Ethiopia.From there,it spread to Egypt & Yemen & by the 15th century had reached Armenia,Persia,Turkey & North Africa.From the Muslim world,coffee spread to Italy,then to the rest of Europe & Americas.
The word "coffee" comes from the Italian "caffe".
Coffee was first consumed in the 9th century,when it was discovered in the highlands of Ethiopia.From there,it spread to Egypt & Yemen & by the 15th century had reached Armenia,Persia,Turkey & North Africa.From the Muslim world,coffee spread to Italy,then to the rest of Europe & Americas.
The word "coffee" comes from the Italian "caffe".
My Coffee beans Roasting
这是我家的炒咖啡豆机,当然曾经过几次的失败后,才炒出 满意的咖啡豆。。。。
咖啡生豆透過烘焙,可以釋放出咖啡特殊的香味,每一顆咖 啡豆蘊藏其香味、酸味、甘甜、苦味,如何淋漓盡致的釋放 出來則觀其烘焙的火候,從淡而無味的生豆,到杯中餘味無 窮的香醇,烘焙--是每一顆咖啡豆漫長的旅行中,勾畫性 格、孕育香味極重要的一個步驟。
咖啡豆在這場長約十至二十分鐘(與溫度成反比)、溫度高 達攝氏兩百多度,在與火熱切對話的過程中,歷經多次化學 變化,發出一次爆、二次爆,如爆米花似的響聲,並喪失水 分。從生豆、淺焙、中焙到深焙,水分一次次釋放,重量減 輕,體積卻慢慢膨脹鼓起,咖啡豆的顏色加深,芬芳的油質 逐漸釋放出來,質地也變得爽脆。在生豆中,蘊涵大量的氯 酸,隨著烘焙的過程,氯酸會逐漸消失,釋放出令人熟悉而 愉悅的水果酸,如醋酸、檸檬酸和葡萄酒中所含的蘋果酸, 烘焙恰倒好處的將這些美好的酸味適度的呈現出來。
Coffee bean can be sold roasted by the supplier, or it can be home
roasted. The
roasting process influences the taste of the beverage by changing the coffee
bean both physically and chemically. The bean decreases in weight as moisture is
lost and increases in volume, causing it to become less dense. The density of
the bean also influences the strength of the coffee and requirements for
The actual roasting begins when the temperature inside the bean reaches approximately 200 °C (392 °F), though different varieties of beans differ in moisture and density and therefore roast at different rate During roasting, caramelization occurs as intense heat breaks down starches in the bean, changing them to simple sugars that begin to brown, changing the color of the bean.
Sucrose is rapidly lost during the roasting process and may disappear entirely in darker roasts. During roasting, aromatic oils and acids weaken, changing the flavor; at 205 °C (401 °F), other oils start to develop. One of these oils is caffeol, created at about 200 °C (392 °F), which is largely responsible for coffee's aroma and flavor.
The actual roasting begins when the temperature inside the bean reaches approximately 200 °C (392 °F), though different varieties of beans differ in moisture and density and therefore roast at different rate During roasting, caramelization occurs as intense heat breaks down starches in the bean, changing them to simple sugars that begin to brown, changing the color of the bean.
Sucrose is rapidly lost during the roasting process and may disappear entirely in darker roasts. During roasting, aromatic oils and acids weaken, changing the flavor; at 205 °C (401 °F), other oils start to develop. One of these oils is caffeol, created at about 200 °C (392 °F), which is largely responsible for coffee's aroma and flavor.
Depending on the color of the roasted beans as perceived by the human eye, they will be labeled as light, medium light, medium, medium dark, dark, or very dark. A more accurate method of discerning the degree of roast involves measuring the reflected light from roasted beans illuminated with a light source in the near infrared spectrum.
Coffee beans grinder.
炒好后的咖啡豆,必须放在的机器上,将咖啡豆在最短的时 间内吹冷。。。
After the coffee beans has been roasted, put on this cooling machine .....
After the coffee beans has been roasted, put on this cooling machine .....
- 将paper filter 放在 dripper内之后,才放入咖啡粉。右手边的是 称为 Hario type dripper,左手边的是 Kalita type dripper。。。。
- Put the paper filter on the dripper,after that, put in the coffee powder. The dripper on the right hand side is called "Hario type dripper", the left hand side is named " Kalita type dripper"
Ice coffee
所滴出来的咖啡,装在左手边的容器内,放在冰箱几天后, 所“釀”出来的咖啡,其味道更香醇。
冰釀咖啡再加入几滴 caramel syrup ( 右手边的那瓶),香气扑鼻。。。。
冰釀咖啡再加入几滴 caramel syrup ( 右手边的那瓶),香气扑鼻。。。。
Espresso-based coffee has a wide variety of possible presentations. In its most basic form, espresso is served alone as a shot or with hot water added, known as Caffè Americano. Reversely, long black is made by pouring espresso in water, which retains the crema compared to Caffè Americano. Milk is added in various forms to espresso: steamed milk makes a caffè latte, equal parts steamed milk and milk froth make a cappuccino] and a dollop of hot foamed milk on top creates a caffè macchiato. The use of steamed milk to form patterns such as hearts or maple leaves is referred to as latte art.
Coffee can also be incorporated with alcohol in beverages—it is combined with whiskey in Irish coffee, and forms the base of alcoholic coffee liqueurs such as Kahlúa, and Tia Maria.
- 黑咖啡(black coffee):又稱「清咖啡」,香港俗稱「齋啡」--直接用咖啡豆燒製的咖啡,不添加奶、糖等會影響咖啡原味的飲用方式。速溶咖啡是不屬於黑咖啡的範圍的。
- 白咖啡(white coffee):马来西亚特产,起源于怡保镇,是指用黄油烘培的咖啡豆,冲煮后,加入甜炼乳的饮品。从本质上是一种拿铁咖啡。在美国,白咖啡也指轻度烘培的咖啡豆,使用意式冲煮,具有较强酸味的咖啡。
- 加味咖啡(flavored-coffee):依據各地口味的不同,在咖啡中加入巧克力、糖漿、果汁、肉桂、肉荳蔻、橘子花等不同調料。
- 意式濃縮咖啡(Espresso):以熱水藉由高壓沖過研磨成很細的咖啡粉末沖煮出咖啡。
- 卡布奇諾(Cappuccino):蒸汽加壓煮出的濃縮咖啡加上攪出泡沫(或蒸汽打發)的牛奶,有時還依需求加上肉桂或香料或巧克力粉。通常咖啡、牛奶和牛奶沫的比例各佔1/3。另也可依需求加上兩份濃縮咖啡,稱為「Double」。
- 拿鐵咖啡(Caffè latte):「Caffè latte」為義大利文音譯;拿鐵咖啡又稱「歐蕾咖啡」(Cafe au lait),法文音譯─咖啡加上大量的熱牛奶和糖。又稱「咖啡牛奶」—中文釋意,由一份濃縮咖啡加上兩份以上的熱牛奶。另也可依需求加上兩份濃縮咖啡,稱為「Double」。
- 瑪奇哈朵(Macchiato):在浓缩咖啡上放上適量蒸汽打發奶泡。Macchiato義大利文原意便是“被牛奶弄髒的咖啡”。
- 摩卡咖啡(Caffè Mocha):咖啡中加入巧克力、牛奶和攪拌奶油,有時加入冰塊。
- 美式咖啡(American Coffee / Americano):濃縮咖啡加上大量熱水。比普通的濃縮咖啡柔和。
- 愛爾蘭咖啡(Irish Coffee):在咖啡中加入威士忌,頂部放上奶油。
- 维也纳咖啡(Viennese):由奥地利马车夫爱因·舒伯纳发明,在咖啡中加入巧克力糖浆、鲜奶油,并洒上糖制的七彩米。
- 越南咖啡(Vietnamese Coffee):將咖啡粉盛在金屬特殊的炮製過濾器,倒入滾水,讓咖啡一滴一滴流到杯子裡;等咖啡滴完,隨每個人口味加糖或者加點煉奶攪拌好即可飲用,在越南有兩種飲法是冷飲和熱飲的。熱飲的咖啡,人們主要在冬天飲用,泡製的時候將杯子放在另一個有熱水的小碗裡以保暖;冷飲咖啡則多在炎熱的夏季飲用,在泡製後的咖啡中加入冰塊而成。
- 曼特寧咖啡(Mandeling coffee):產於亞洲印度尼西亞的蘇門答臘,別稱蘇門答臘咖啡。風味非常濃郁,香、苦、醇厚,帶有少許的甜味。
Hi... oh, I love coffee. I like your coffee roasting machine, looks cute Thanks for sharing the coffee information.
Have a nice day.
Dear Amelia,
After dripping, those coffee powder left on the paper filter, I will dry it under the sun, this is really a good fertilizer for the plants...
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