Friday, March 23, 2012

甜酱黑都/Black Beans in sauce/콩자반

可曾嚐过韩食的小菜之一,甜酱黑豆? 它可是当便当的好菜肴。。。。
Have you ever tasted this Korean side dish, boil the black beans in soy sauce & corn syrup? It is a good dish for preparing lunch box...
(This recipe is written in Chinese & English )

1 杯黑豆
1 杯水
4 Tsp 韩式酱清
3 Tsp 麦芽糖
1 Tsp 麻油
1 Tsp芝麻

1. 将黑豆洗干净,泡浸在水中约 30 分钟后取出。

2. 在一小锅里,倒入水和黑豆一起煮,将黑豆煮软后,并且锅中的水还剩下一半时,加入韩式酱清,麦芽糖,偶尔要翻动一下锅中的黑豆, 继续以小火煮至没有酱汁为止。请不要盖上锅盖。

3. 趁热,加入麻油,搅拌均匀。

4. 撒上芝麻。

1 cup of black beans
1 cup of water
4 Tsp of Korean soy sauce
3 Tsp of corn syrup
1 Tsp of sesame oil
1 Tsp of sesame seeds

1. Wash black beans, soak in the water for about 30 minutes, rinse & drain.

2. Boil one cup of water in a pot , add  in black beans, boil until the black beans turn soft, and the water left about half only, add in the Korean soy sauce,corn syrup, you have to stir the beans  2.3 times while it is boiling. Simmer over low heat, until no more gravy left. Please don't cover the pot.

3. Add in sesame oil while it is still hot, mix well.

4. Sprinkle the sesame seeds...


ann low said...

嗯。。。这个配粥一定很棒。 我也会试试看:)

Kimchi House said...
