Tuesday, October 23, 2012


This is a very small & popular snack in Korea.
In  1950,1960 sweet potatoes were the main foodstuff for the low income group. Recently, it has been crowned as " well being food". In Korea, quite a number of  cancer patients, sweet potatoes are the main food after surgery.

在50,60年代蕃薯应该是一般小市民,填饱肚子的食物之一。曾几何时,它已冠上了 “well being”的名堂!在韩国,有不少癌症患者,在动过手术后,以蕃薯作为主食;它也是节食者的宠儿。。。

2 medium size of sweet potatoes
corn syrup( is available at the Korean supermarket, we call it "물엿")
roasted black sesame seeds or white sesame seeds
1 tsp of frying flour


1. Peel the skin of the sweet potatoes. Wash and drain it by kitchen tower. Cut it in cube form.

2. Put the sweet potatoes and flour in a plastic bag and shake it. The purpose is to coat the sweet potatoes evenly with the flour.

3.. Heat the cooking oil in a pan, fry the sweet potatoes till golden brown color.

4. After frying, use the kitchen tower to remove the oil on the sweet potatoes(optional).

5. Coat the sweet potatoes by adding in the corn syrup while it is still hot ( it depends on your taste, for me, I don't put much because it will be too sweet). Sprinkle some sesame seeds on it.

蕃薯 2 粒
韩式麦芽糖 少许 (在韩国超市可买到,称为 “물엿")
1 tsp 面粉

1. 将蕃薯去皮,洗净抹干水份,切成小块状。

2. 将薯块和面粉放入一塑胶袋,摇一摇,让面粉均匀地沾在薯块上。

3.. 在锅里倒入少许油,待热后,将薯块放入,炸至金黄色 ( 一般上,我都不用大量的油来炸。因为用少量的油,所以必须常翻动薯块,这样才能将每一面炸至金黄色)

4.. 炸熟后,再用纸巾轻轻抹掉薯块上的油份(因为我没用大量的油,所以薯块上没含大量的油)


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